
Forthcoming Events

Highlights for 2024-5 will include French choral music in October, Bach's St John Passion in April, and two 'come and sing' events, along with our normal Christmas and Summer concerts and Cathedral services. Details below, or you can download our brochure here.


Saturday 8th March

Come and sing a selection of works by female composers

An Upper Voices Come and Sing, directed by John Robinson, followed by a concert in aid of Lancashire Women also featuring local women’s choir The Decibelles.

Blackburn Cathedral, registration 2.30pm, rehearsal 3pm, concert 7pm

£10 to participate, tickets and more information available here

Concert free/by donation to Lancashire Women

Wednesday 16th April

Bach: St John Passion

With the chorus of Blackburn Music Society and an orchestra

Blackburn Cathedral, 7.30pm

Further information and tickets available here

Thursday 29th May

Ascension Day

Including music by Handel, Viadana and Lassus

Blackburn Cathedral, 7.30pm

Saturday 12th July

Blossoms in Song

A programme to celebrate the beauty of Spring, including Moeran's Songs of Springtime and Britten's Flower Songs

Blackburn Cathedral, 7.30pm

Blackburn Chamber Choir

Blackburn Cathedral, Cathedral Office, Cathedral Close, Blackburn, BB1 5AA

Telephone: 01254 277 436

Page last modified: February 02, 2025

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